Cereales en Uganda Tamaño del mercado y análisis de participación - Tendencias y pronósticos de crecimiento (2025 - 2030)

El mercado de Cereales en Uganda está segmentado por tipo (maíz, mijo, arroz y sorgo). El informe incluye el Análisis de Producción (Volumen), Análisis de Consumo (Valor y Volumen), Análisis de Exportación (Valor y Volumen), Análisis de Importación (Valor y Volumen) y Análisis de Tendencia de Precios de cada grano mencionado. El informe ofrece el tamaño del mercado y las previsiones en términos de volúmenes en toneladas métricas y valor en miles de USD para todos los segmentos anteriores.

Tamaño del mercado de granos de Uganda

Resumen del mercado de granos de Uganda
Periodo de estudio 2019 - 2030
Año base para la estimación 2024
Período de datos de pronóstico 2025 - 2030
Período de datos históricos 2019 - 2023
Tamaño del mercado (2025) USD 4.63 mil millones
Tamaño del mercado (2030) USD 5.66 mil millones
TACC (2025 - 2030) 4.10%

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Análisis del mercado de granos de Uganda

Se estima que el tamaño del mercado de granos de Uganda será de USD 4.63 mil millones en 2025 y se espera que alcance los USD 5.66 mil millones para 2030, con una CAGR del 4.1% durante el período de pronóstico (2025-2030).

Uganda's grain industry operates within a complex agricultural ecosystem where various stakeholders play crucial roles across the value chain. The market structure reveals significant price markups at different stages, with processors commanding the highest markup of 30-32%, followed by aggregators and traders at 28-30%, while grain producers typically receive only 8-10% of the final price. This pricing structure highlights the need for more efficient value chain integration and fair price distribution among stakeholders, particularly for smallholder farmers who form the backbone of grain production in the country.

The government's policy landscape has undergone significant changes to ensure domestic food security and price stability. In 2022, Uganda extended its ban on grain exports and implemented high taxation measures on agricultural produce exports to neighboring countries, primarily aimed at controlling domestic prices and ensuring adequate local supply for food security and livestock production. These measures were particularly significant given the global grain price volatility and have helped maintain domestic market stability while encouraging local value addition and processing activities.

Infrastructure development and modernization initiatives are transforming the grain sector's operational efficiency. The government has approved comprehensive development plans for storage facilities and is actively working to connect farmers with agro-processing facilities to support agro-industrialization. These initiatives are particularly focused on addressing critical challenges in the value chain, including poor storage conditions, inadequate warehouse capacity, and the need for better integration between producers and processors.

The market presents substantial investment opportunities across multiple segments of the value chain. Current investment prospects span across production enhancement, input supply optimization, value-added processing, and post-harvest handling improvements. The distribution and marketing segment, which accounts for 23-25% of the value chain markup, offers particularly attractive opportunities for modernization and efficiency improvements. These investment areas are crucial for addressing current market inefficiencies and supporting the sector's sustainable growth while improving food security and export capabilities in the Ugandan grain business.

Análisis de segmentos: tipo

Cereals Segment in Uganda Grains Market

The cereals segment dominates the Uganda grains market, holding approximately 65% market share in 2024. This segment, comprising maize grains, rice, sorghum, and millet, plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and contributing to the national economy. Maize leads the cereals category as the highest consumed grain in Uganda, with significant production volumes supporting both domestic consumption and regional exports. The segment's dominance is reinforced by favorable agro-climatic conditions in Uganda, particularly in the southern region, which allows continuous cultivation, while the northern region supports annual cropping patterns. The government's recognition of agriculture in the National Development Plan II and Vision 2040 has further strengthened the cereals Uganda segment through supportive policies and infrastructure development.

Market Analysis of Uganda Grains Market: Chart for Type

Oilseeds Segment in Uganda Grains Market

The oilseeds segment is emerging as the fastest-growing category in Uganda's grains market, projected to grow at approximately 4% during 2024-2029. This growth is primarily driven by increasing international demand, particularly from China and European markets, for products like sesame and soybeans. The segment's expansion is supported by the National Oilseed Project and various international collaborations that promote organic farming practices. The development of storage facilities and improved transportation infrastructure has enhanced the segment's export capabilities. Additionally, the increasing adoption of commercial farming practices and the introduction of modern processing technologies have significantly boosted the segment's growth trajectory.

Segmentos restantes en tipo

The pulses segment, encompassing beans and green gram, represents a significant portion of Uganda's grain market. This segment plays a vital role in both domestic food security and regional trade dynamics. Beans, in particular, have established themselves as an important crop for both subsistence farming and commercial production. The segment benefits from increasing regional demand, particularly from neighboring East African countries. The development of farmer cooperatives and implementation of improved farming techniques has enhanced the segment's production capabilities, while government initiatives supporting agro-processing facilities have strengthened the value chain for pulses.

Noticias del mercado de granos de Uganda

  • Agosto 2022: El Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) ha confirmado que la calidad del maíz en Uganda ha mejorado al reunir a agricultores, comerciantes y procesadores para luchar contra la prevalencia de aflatoxinas, lo que puede atribuirse a una mayor capacitación de agricultores, comerciantes y procesadores en prácticas de manejo y almacenamiento poscosecha por parte del gobierno y los actores del sector privado.
  • Diciembre 2020: El Consejo de Granos de África Oriental, en asociación con CDKN, lanzó la herramienta Información climática para granos (Ci4G), una plataforma en línea que está diseñada para ayudar a los agricultores y otros en el sector de granos a planificar actividades a corto plazo y desarrollar resiliencia al clima variable en el mediano plazo.

Informe del mercado de granos de Uganda - Tabla de contenido


    1. 1.1 Supuestos del estudio y definición del mercado

    2. 1.2 Alcance del estudio




    1. 4.1 Visión general del mercado

    2. Controladores del mercado 4.2

    3. Restricciones de mercado 4.3


    1. 5.1 Tipo (Análisis de producción, Análisis de consumo, Análisis del mercado de importación por valor y volumen, Análisis del mercado de exportación por valor y volumen, y Análisis de tendencia de precios)

      1. 5.1.1 Maíz

      2. 5.1.2 Mijo

      3. 5.1.3 Sorgo

      4. 5.1.4 arroz


    1. 6.1 Análisis PESTLE

    2. Análisis de la Cadena de Valor 6.2

    3. 6.3 Regulaciones y Políticas Gubernamentales


    1. 7.1 Red de distribución y análisis minorista

    2. 7.2 Perfiles de empresa


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Segmentación de la industria de granos de Uganda

La agricultura es uno de los sectores más críticos de la economía de Uganda. Un grano es una fruta pequeña, dura y seca con o sin una capa de cáscara adherida y se cosecha para el consumo humano o animal. El mercado de granos de Uganda está segmentado por tipo (maíz, mijo, arroz y sorgo). El informe incluye el Análisis de Producción (Volumen), Análisis de Consumo (Valor y Volumen), Análisis de Exportación (Valor y Volumen), Análisis de Importación (Valor y Volumen) y Análisis de Tendencia de Precios de cada grano mencionado. El informe ofrece el tamaño del mercado y las previsiones en términos de volumen en toneladas métricas y valor en miles de USD para todos los segmentos anteriores.

Tipo (Análisis de producción, Análisis de consumo, Análisis del mercado de importación por valor y volumen, Análisis del mercado de exportación por valor y volumen, y Análisis de tendencia de precios)
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre la investigación del mercado de granos de Uganda

Se espera que el tamaño del mercado de cereales de Uganda alcance los 4.63 mil millones de dólares en 2025 y crezca a una tasa compuesta anual del 4.10% hasta alcanzar los 5.66 mil millones de dólares en 2030.

En 2025, se espera que el tamaño del mercado de cereales de Uganda alcance los 4.63 millones de dólares.

En 2024, el tamaño del mercado de granos de Uganda se estimó en USD 4.44 mil millones. El informe cubre el tamaño histórico del mercado de granos de Uganda para los años: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 y 2024. El informe también pronostica el tamaño del mercado de granos de Uganda para los años: 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 y 2030.

Uganda Grains Market Research

Mordor Intelligence provides comprehensive insights into the Uganda grains and cereals industry through detailed market research and analysis. Our extensive report covers the evolving landscape of grain industry dynamics. This includes the cereal business in Uganda, maize grains production, and wheat growing in Uganda. Through rigorous market research in Uganda and expert analysis, we offer detailed assessments of commodity prices in Uganda 2023 and beyond. These insights provide stakeholders with crucial understanding of grains market dynamics.

The report, available in an easy-to-read PDF format for download, equips stakeholders with actionable intelligence on daily income business in Uganda opportunities within the grains sector. Our comprehensive market trend analysis in Uganda covers essential aspects such as the price of maize in Uganda, industry growth drivers, and emerging opportunities. The analysis incorporates insights from the Uganda Grain Council and examines the entire value chain, from production to distribution. This helps businesses make informed decisions in the maize market in Uganda while tracking grain business in Uganda developments and market trends.

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Cereales en Uganda Tamaño del mercado y análisis de participación - Tendencias y pronósticos de crecimiento (2025 - 2030)